Video games. It’s what people do when they should be; working out, calling their Mom, going to work, whatever. I haven’t owned every platform, but I have compiled my 10 favorite video games (Even though I list them from 10 to 1, sometimes I re-arrange the order myself).
10. Bioshock
The spookiest, most atmospheric, fun game ever. Creepy splicers chasing you, weird dentists that I hope aren’t on my dental plan, Big Daddies, amazing plasmids and choices that rule/change the outcome. Two more things; The smoke and lighting effects are incredible, but the most spooky aspect of this game (for me) is the classic ‘old-timey’ music being played on other-worldly speakers throughout the game. Don’t ask me about the 2 or Infinite – the original is still the best.
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